Parenting alone and loving it

Parenting alone and loving it

It is possible to parent alone and love it. Sure, we all want a real, true, long-lasting love. But what do you do in the meantime when all is riding on you and Superman is not coming? You live. You love. You rise! 

Today, I share a post I wrote for and I know it will inspire you to keep rocking your life and raising your babies. What if single parenting is a blessing and not the curse you think it is? What if? 

Let’s find out! Click here! 

Believe in You

Believe in You

Even when the last person you needed to say yes said no, believe in yourself. When the dream is dying and you feel like being desperate for just one second, don’t. Believe in you and your dreams. Give it all you’ve got. This won’t guarantee victory every time, but it will guarantee peace. When you’ve done your best, nothing and no one can take away your sense of accomplishment. Get in there and fight!

Do It Anyway!

Are you a Joseph? 

Are you a Joseph? 

Sometimes, well let me stop lying, a huge part of my life, I’ve felt like there was MORE to me and for me. Feelings can be misleading. True. But, that isn’t this post. This post is my truth, and I believe you’ll see some of you in it as well. I’ve always sensed that I was greater and should be doing greater. Yet, I have not always walked in that calling or lived like it. But, no mas! I took a plunge to live for me, to have my best life, and to go where I felt destiny calling. Now, that transpired over a few years and is still in process. But, I want all of the “Josephs” out there to know that you can run, but you can’t hide from the purpose God has for you.

Better ain’t never hurt nobody! Truth is it takes courage to be more than you are right now. That is why I ask, ‘Are you a Joseph?” Hmmm. Deep, right!? Doesn’t have to be. Are you or are you not living in and on purpose? If not, why?

Joseph is a man in The Bible who had a dream. He shared his dream and was despised because of it. I can identify. When I wanted to learn and then teach Spanish, I got crazy looks and comments. I did it anyway! When I wanted my Masters, they said, “Don’t you already have a Spanish degree?” Yep! I did that anyway, too! When I said I wanted to blog, they said, “”What’s that?” Lol! Listen, you’ve got to stay on course and moving toward your destiny if you want to have your promise.

Joseph knew God told him in a dream he would be exalted and his brothers would one day bow to him. He messed up by sharing that. I’ve done that, too. Have you? But, his brothers did bow. They didn’t know it was their brother they had gotten rid of years before. Teaching point 1: Do not ever think that God gives up on His promises to you. If He said it, it’s coming! Teaching point 2: You need to be careful how you treat folks. Now, Joseph lost his youth due to being thrown in a pit by his brothers and being a slave in a foreign land, but he grew in those trials. Every one of his downs he came through. He trusted God. So, what trial are you in right now? If you know you’ve been given a vision of glory and your now doesn’t match it, keep pressing. Don’t give up. It’s coming!

“Are you a Joseph” is simply calling you to say yes to your destiny no matter how hard it is right now. Joseph rose to 2nd in command in all of Egypt. Now, that’s faith, favor, and fearlessness. Go on! Push through this season and don’t let go until you’ve arrived. Trust God for direction. He’ll give more than you imagined if you trust Him.

Do It Anyway!

How being a single mom has made me better.

How being a single mom has made me better.

Where do I start? My babies made me grow up even though I thought I was grown. I thought I was a hard worker. They improved that. I thought I was fearless. They showed me how to be even more fearless like alioness protecting her cubs. (Really. You should have seen me when they said someone picked on them. It was like Optimus Prime coming to the rescue. Lol!) I acted like an adult, so no worries. But, I thought I knew love. Oh, I only understood the beginning of it. 

In their own special way, my boys grew another part of my heart. Sure, I fuss at them, talk about them yeah, but they are mine. Raising them is not easy, but it has so many good parts. If I had to do this work/ministry of parenting with their dad, I wouldn’t have been my happy, fun-loving, “lover of life” self. We were not to be. Praise God! And there’s nothing wrong with admitting that. No hate. Its my truth. We could co-parent sure if that were an option. But he chose not to. C’est la vie. Es la vida. That’s life! That ain’t the point, but I say that for my sisters yet holding on to the past. 

But me! I’m great! I get to pour into my boys and they- they change me. Soften me. My hearts. So, if you’re out there whining andpining  about doing tius work/ministry alone, I want you to really get honest about what you lost. Really get honest. Look at the facts. Not the good times. All the times. Were they really that good? Were you treated with love and respect? Adored and honored? If not, keep living. Your greater hasn’t come yet. And to have it, you gotta let go. Raise your babies with all you have. You’ll see they make you better and you become open to love and live again all while becoming the you you were destined to be. 

I’m glad to be able to parent alone in peace. Thats not to say I don’t want help. I just know I have to do what I gotta do until someone worthy of all this comes along. So do you. Woman up!

Do It Anyway! 


I hope my humor and refusal to be mediocre come through in these posts. Love that you are here on the journey with me! I like to mix a little country (since I’m from Louisiana) with a little everything. 🙂 

Just like music

Just like music

I like to write a lot about motivation. I’m just a motivated person. The thing I hate though is the blocks or barriers to creativity that inevitably come. We all have them at some point. So, one of the things I like to do to help me move past writer’s block, procrastination, and the like is to listen to music. I mean good music. Music of all kinds. You should try it!

I’m a huge Gospel, R&B, country, reggae, soul, neosoul, classical, contemporary, pop music fan. Did I leave anything out? Haha! The point is if you are experiencing any blocks, turn up the tunes, smile, and dance a little. Music is a great mood changer. Likewise, if you’re listening to sad love songs you won’t be knocking out deadlines because they make you linger in the past. Be cautious of what you allow to invade your atmosphere. Just a thought! 

I hope this post inspires you to crank up the tunes! I am getting my playlist ready right now! Thanks to Itunes, YouTube, Milk, and many others, music is at our fingertips. I’m so glad about it! 

Hey! Got some blocks? Feeling sad? Turn up the happy positive music and move!

Do It Anyway!

Go to jams:

1. Mary Mary “Go Get It”

2. Marvin Gaye “Just Like Music”

3. Bob Marley “Jammin”

4. Katy Perry “Roar”

5. Estelle “I am a Conqueror”

I reserve the right to misname a song and not double check the title. I love these artists and their music. 

What’s your current Top Five?

Sunday Moto

Sunday Moto

New Beginnings!

Starting over, beginning a new job, moving to a new place, and even beginning a new love can all be scary. But you know what? New beginnings can also be invigorating, just what the doctor ordered, and beautiful. Whatever you are beginning, give it all you’ve got. Shake off the old and embrace the new. Pretty soon that new thing will become a consistent thing and you’ll find your stride, your place, your peace, your why the previous things had to end. 

No one likes feeling like a fish out of water, but it’s necessary when you begin something new. There’s a learning curve you must master to get to greater. In order to get where you want, you’re going to go through some unfamiliar territory. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. Go anyway! Keep working on mastery and that feeling will go away. Get clear. Get consistent. Get ready for your new thing and embrace it!


Do It Anyway!

Grace for the Journey

Grace for the Journey

I want to admit that I don’t always have it all together. If thats what you think, I’m not doing this blogging thing right. I want you to know  that having a great life and great expectations about life isn’t based on you being perfect ALL the time. So, let go of the guilt. There is grace for where you are right now. Simple as that. 

How can I can keep smiling about the good  and the bad, about how I mess up and how I win?  Because I know God is with me, loves me, and has a plan for me. Thanks to His grace and mercy, I keep making it through.  You mess up? Get up. There is grace to pick you up and help you keep going. Ask for it and Live! 

Just pondering how we waste time on regret. Use your grace and move forward. Have a rockin Saturday! Im off to the movies with my boys. Remember, it wont always be easy. 

Do It Anyway! 

Being thankful

Being thankful

Today is Good Friday. If you’re of the Christian faith, that means a lot to you. If not, it’s still a good day to be alive. But, as I run my errands, I can’t help but be thankful. I’m thankful for my faith, for my life, for the peace I have, for the joy, for my boys, for possibilities. I pray you are in that same space. No matter what is going on, find your zone and get thankful. There is something about choosing joy and happiness that changes us, our moods, and eventually our environment.

What are you thankful for? Even if life sucks right now, find something. You’ll be amazed at what it will do for you.

Lastly, I’m so thankful for my God Who died for me and rose for me and you. If you need help, He’s there. Feel free to leave a prayer request below and I will pray with you.

Go on! Find your happy and walk in it! “But you don’t know what I’m going through Kaydy!” Yes, I do. Hold on and…

Do It Anyway!

When you feel like quitting, keep going

When you feel like quitting, keep going

 Juggling the dream and a family is a big job and I do a good bit of it alone. Praise God for sanity, clarity, girlfriends, and mommy breaks.

But, back to why you cant quit. I just cant stop dreaming of the day when it will all make sense. When I will say, “Wow! I have arrived.” Do you feel like that? If so, that’s it! That’s what fuels me and it is what fuels you- vision, purpose, calling. Now, please don’t overdo it on the road to success. But, stay focused on work that helps you reach your goals. Soon, you’ll look up and be thankful you didn’t quit. Rest if you need. Readjust if you need. But, dont quit!!! Your dream is too good to be reconciled to only a memory. Fight To keep it alive. You deserve to see YOU WIN!

Do It Anyway!